Studio (Custom Designs)

Need a custom design? Here's how to request one

Transform your presentations into visual masterpieces. Maximize your impact and captivate your audience. Get started today!

Request a custom design

Describe your project, and our design team will create a tailor-made solution for you

To request your custom presentation

  • Visit our studio here

  • Click on Request your design

Fill out your request form

Project general details

1- add your project Name (e.g. Marketing plan - Company profile - Pitch Deck - etc.)

2- Add the total number of slides including (covers + thank you) pages

3- Set the due date

4- Describe your project to help us visualize your content in a good direction

5- You can add any additional notes for specific needs or details in your design

6- Upload old slides or documents containing your presentation content as attachments.

Then click on Next to complete your request

Personal Details

Adding Your contacts helps us to assist you with your project! We will get back to you by email after submit your project request.

1- Add your First and Last Name

2- Add your email

3- Click on Submit.

Request your design externally

The other way to request your design is to choose your preferred freelancing platform like Upwork or Fiverr.

If those platforms are familiar to you! Our team is ready always to start your project with our verified accounts on Upwork and Fiverr

Last updated